← Health Equity Report Card: Genesee County
There are 401,983 people living in Genesee County and 79,854 people living in the city of Flint.
Race/Ethnicity | Genesee County | Flint |
White | 74.9% | 34.7% |
Black | 20.3% | 56.7% |
Hispanic or Latino | 4% | 4.5% |
Asian | 1.1% | 0.5% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 0.6% | 0.5% |
Two or more races | 3.1% | 6.8% |
Age | Genesee County | Flint |
Under 5 years old | 5.5% | 7.1% |
Under 18 years old | 21.9% | 24.6% |
Between 18-65 years old | 53.6% | 55.1% |
65 years and older | 19% | 13.2% |
13.7% of Genesee County residents under the age of 65 have a disability.
20.2% of Flint residents under the age of 65 have a disability.
Health insurance
6.2% of Genesee County residents under the age of 65 do not have health insurance.
7.7% of Flint residents under the age of 65 do not have health insurance.
High school
91.2% of Genesee County residents ages 25 or older graduated from high school.
84.8% of Flint residents ages 25 or older graduated from high school.
Bachelor’s degree
22.2% of Genesee County residents ages 25 or older have a Bachelor’s degree.
12.1% of Flint residents ages 25 or older have a Bachelor’s degree.
16.3% of Genesee County residents are experiencing poverty.
35.5% of Flint residents are experiencing poverty.
70.5% of Genesee County’s housing units are owner-occupied.
55.1% of Flint’s housing units are owner-occupied.
Housing value
$133,700 is the median value of owner-occupied housing units in Genesee County.
$35,000 is the median value of owner-occupied housing units in Flint.