Health Equity Report Card

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The Health Equity Report Card (HERC) supports the health and well-being of Genesee County and city of Flint residents by providing understandable, relevant, and actionable health outcome data. To do this, data is categorized (disaggregated) by race and location when available. By understanding the current state of health disparities (differences) and health outcomes in our community, we can better address their causes and support prevention efforts. This will help us all live in a healthier community and create better lives for generations to come. The information presented in the HERC is only part of our community’s story. It does not include the tremendous efforts by community organizations, residents or others to meet community needs in the Greater Flint area. Future plans for findings from the HERC include the creation of a Health Equity Master Plan. This Master Plan will prioritize and identify action steps to reduce health outcome disparities (differences) in our community.


Fast Facts

Health Services and Access

Socioeconomic Status

Physical Health

Mental Health

Maternal and Child Health

Health Outcomes







No disparity

Disparity ratio: 0.0-1.0

Little disparity

Disparity ratio: 1.1-1.4

Disparity may require intervention

Disparity ratio: 1.5-1.9

Disparity requires intervention

Disparity ratio: 2.0-2.4

Critical disparity, requires immediate intervention

Disparity ratio: ≥ 2.5
Information presented in the HERC includes 51 public health indicators broken down by location (Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, and the US) and by race (Black and White). Each indicator is organized into one of six categories: health services and access, socioeconomic status, physical health, mental health, maternal and child health, and health outcomes. Grouping the indicators into these categories helps us understand the health of our community to see what’s working and what should be addressed. To understand the differences for each indicator, we calculated a disparity ratio. This tells us how small (good) or large (bad) the differences are for each indicator. A letter grade is then given for each disparity (difference). Importantly, we must keep in mind that little to no disparity (difference) – an A or B grade – does not mean adequate health services, access, behaviors, or outcomes. It simply means there isn’t a large difference between race or geographic locations for this health indicator. We appreciate your feedback! A brief survey can be found here. Please contact Dr. Heatherlun Uphold if you have any questions.